Management in geodesy and geoinformatics  

The course is aimed at today’s students and tomorrow’s managers who want to understand the essentials of management as they apply within the contemporary work environment of geodesy and geoinformatics bearing in mind the context of harmonizing the Croatian business and legal environment with those in the European Union. Understand which personal competences are needed for managerial success. To acquire a personal perspective on four basic management functions or responsibilities: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Identify different levels and types of managers in geodetic and geoinformatic company and institution. Understand fundamentals of organizing in geodesy and geoinformatics as an essential managerial responsibility. To use different management structures in geodesy and geoinformatics depending on conditions such as environment, technology and size. To anticipate future needs and managerial responses in geodesy and geoinformatics. Understand managerial agendas and networks in geodesy and geoinformatics. Demonstrate competence in understanding the management functions across cultures. Analyse managers as decision makers and problem solvers in geodesy and geoinformticsTo use leading through motivation in geodesy and geoinformatics. Demonstrate competence in making comparative study of how management in geodesy and geoinformatics is practiced in Croatia and aroud the world. Understand steps in the team-building process. Analyse and interpret characteristics of high-performance and poor-performance teams. Use team-building as an ongoing leadership responsibility. Demonstrate competence in distinguishing useful team roles. Demonstrate competence in using critical thinking in team work. Describe and analyse characteristics of team members. Identify skills and types of contribution which may be expected by individual team members. Differentiate high performance teams as they can be applied in various fields of geodesy and geoinformatics. Demonstrate competence in using evaluation research to make sure that actual performance meets or surpasses company/institution objectives. Analyse and interpret phases of evaluation research: 1. needs estimation, 2. program planning, 3. formative evaluation, 4. summative evaluation. Analyse and interpret a concept of the „learning organization“ in geodesy and geoinformatics. Understand the process of harmonizing the Croatian business and legal environment with those in the European Union, and with the international standards of doing business.
Management in geodesy and geoinformatics

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).